30 July 2011

OCZ Vertex 3 BSOD

I am sharing this post for information - there is no solution.

OCZ Vertex 3

I bought an OCZ Vertex 3 120gig SSD when I upgraded my system. 

Installed Windows 7 64bit on it and the next day I got my first BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). I rebooted the computer and it could not find a system disk. I had to go in to the BIOS and search for the drive then set as boot drive again. 

I Google'd to see if I could find a solution - the option was to upgrade the firmware but people were complaining it slows the drive down.

Other options were to disable power saving on the drive which I did as the BSOD were only happening when the computer was inactive. However after a week the BSOD started coming if computer was active or idle.

The company (Over Clockers UK) that I bought the drive from told me to return it as it sounded as if it was faulty due to not being seen by the BIOS on reboot. 

I replaced the drive with an Intel 510 Series 120 GB drive and have had no problems at all.

The OCZ Vertex 3 did have the edge on the Intel 510 - the OCZ scored 7.9 and the Intel scores 7.8. It is only very slightly noticeable but if compared to an old SATA II drive it is blistering fast.

Anyone thinking of upgrading should go for it but maybe read reviews if you are thinking about the OCZ or see if they have made some firmware that addresses the problem.

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